Public Service Innovation, Policy Reform & Governance

Kigali -Rwanda
3 March to 14 March
31 March to 11 April

Public Service innovation Policy Reforms and Governance involves taking a risk and accepting a potential of failure or the benefits which comes with success by investing in reforms, innovation and good corporate governance. Thus, reporting in the public service system with regards to policy reforms and the process of innovation is not normally associated with thinking and acting within the current framework.

Innovation is a dynamic process that changes and shapes the overall architecture of government, identify strategies, challenges, develop policies, reforms and implementation of good governance. In general the features of Public Service innovation coincides largely with the reform processes. Imperatively promoting innovation is stimulating a creative mindset in the Public Service. The innovation process is essential to increase public sector efficiency through governance as well as delivering quality and competitive public services.

In this training workshop, ATI will present and analyze innovation as a social phenomenon in the Public Service and how it is tangential to the public administration.

Target Audience: 

Public Officers, Managers, Senior Managers, Policy Makers and Executives in the Public Service, Non-Governmental Organisations, Parastatals and other Public entities.

Course Outcomes: 

Upon completion of this workshop, the delegates should be able to:

  • Understand the 360˚ of innovation in redefining the Public Service administration, Innovation, and Policy reforms
  • Build strong Teams by developing work improvement systems and effective results oriented teams
  • Put in place Quality Improvement, Quality Assurance and Benchmarking, develop Policy frameworks for managing quality processes and governance
  • Refine the Public Service’s role as an economic shaper and integrator, how incremental good governance in public services positively impacts millions of people
  • Define Change Management ,understand the key principles of Change Management, and why Change is considered as the only constant
  • Make Investments in expertise and skill building, build core capabilities, and developing specialized capabilities in critical sectors
  • Implement E-Government as a tool for improving democratic process, fighting corruption, transformation of public administration from bureaucracy to service provider